To x.k
2022-01-01 / raynayX

Red tulips and purple roses - they come to mind,
When I call to memory the landscape of your face.
Gentle forest rains and dancing grasses are ever so kind
When they witness all our escapades.

If you climb the heights of Afadza,
If you dive the depths of the Bight of Benin
If you look beside and can’t yourself find
I’ll come over seven seas on rafts; I’ll show you home

If you lose your faith’s compass,
If you find yourself washing tears away in the Mono,
I’ll come bearing the finest linens to dry them
So you can brighten our side of heaven with your comely smiles

And when you’ve found you and set out again,
I hope constellations spell your middle name on starry nights
I hope when you look up to read them alone,
You’ll see me and you’ll see home.

